Alpha not Beta. Update

Character Creator Development:

First thing to mention is, this is not a 'BETA'. It's an 'ALPHA' build ,I don't know what possessed me to put it as a 'Beta', think i may of got confused somewhere down the line, and i suppose because i have been using it for so long for myself that the progress i had made got me all excited some what. haha :). Anyway that has been changed. Couple of other changes with regards to the G.U.I (no, it's not a gooey). I have added a couple of things:

  • Animation Selections: These have been tidied up with arrows to easily cycle through them.
  • Shadow layers: Shadow effects have now been added. You can choose between 'Solid' & 'Dithered or 'None'.
  • Frame select: You can now select a frame to view.

Couple more clothing items have been added. These are 'Underwear' items.

  • Type 1 Pants
  • Type 2 Pants
  • Type 3 Boxer Shorts
  • Type 4 not sure what to call it yet, its use with the 'Minotaur' sprite. :)

I haven't gone to mad on creating clothing items at the moment. As i add more animations it makes much more sense to finalise what animations there will be first, then create the clothing items. if i did this the other way then i would have to go back on items ive already done for every newly added animation. Which take so much time to do and it means going back on work already done. I'm no stranger to going back over older stuff, so i'm learning my lessons. lol. I will still keep adding some stuff, but i'm just going to keep it light for now and gives me the opportunity to experiment. Speaking of animations. i have added 6 more:

  • Carry Walk: 8 directions
  • Carry Run: 8 directions
  • Push: 8 directions
  • Climb: 8 directions
  • Flee: (my fav) 8 directions
  • Slam: 8 directions

I'm still going to add more, but they will be yet is still to be determined. Those that have been following from the beginning will have a good idea of what those animations will be, but i'm hoping to add much more as well in the future.

Last update is exportation.

You can now export to your computer. Don't get to excited just yet though, as you can only export the FREE animations, which are: IDLE, WALK, RUN, ATTACK #1, HURT, & JUMP. It's also a little 'clunky' because you will need to do a couple of things your end. This is because the software i'm using is 'sandboxed' currently, which basically means i can't access or use outside programs just yet. I can disable the 'sandbox', and will eventually and have a more better function to do this, but i don't know enough about what it entails right now. Might be a piece of piss or a little more complex, i'm not sure, so until i do, i don't want to get bogged down with it just yet and i think this will work for now whilst i'm still in an alpha build. Before i tell how to export, i'm just going to tell what you can export. I've just mentioned what animations you can export, but you have a few options on what files you can export. When i do a release i usually include Sprite sheets, Strips and Frames individually. These files can get pretty big in size. I've had files as big as 5MB, which may not sound a lot, but it kind of is when we think about graphics and you will be surprised how much storage space they can take up when you have a collection of them build up over time. With this in mind you can choose to select what is better for you. You can choose to have Sprite Sheets, Strips or Frames or export all of them. There might be an occasion where you may not even need all the animations, so you can also select what animations you want to export as well. All this is done just by ticking the check boxes. :)

In order to do this you will need to get into your 'appdata' folder, here is how you can do it:

  • Click 'Export' on the Character creator.
  • Then select/click on the magniflying glass in your Windows Task Bar.
  • In the search bar type the following: C:\user\appdata\local\Character_Generator_V2.
  • Replace 'uses' with your PC name and press return.

This should then bring up the folder in the file explorer. From here you can then cut/copy the folder and move it to another location if you want just like you can with any other folder. And thats it. :)

It's not the perfect system i know, but for testing purposes it gives me and you something to work with. OK, that's it, your all up to date.

Any questions or feedback then please get in touch. Pop over to my Discord channel if that's more convenient for you.

Thanks for all you support and patience with my endeavours. :)

Chaser :)


Character Generator Alpha 4.5 MB
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Test 49 kB
Feb 07, 2024
Character Generator Alpha 4.5 MB
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